Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting
4.29.24 Building and Grounds Committee Notice (PDF)
4.29.24 Building and Grounds Committee Notice (PDF)
5.1.24 Meeting Notice (PDF)
Notice of Public Hearing re Adoption of 2024-2029 Outdoor Recreation Plan (PDF) West Salem Outdoor Recreation Plan (PDF)
5.7.24 Board Meeting Notice (PDF)
5.13.24 Meeting Notice (PDF)
5.16.24 Meeting Notice (PDF)
5.21.24 Meeting Notice (PDF)
Notice of Meeting to Adjourn Board of Review to Later Date (PDF)
Public Hearing Notice Ordinance No. 530 - Amending Chapter 8 Holding Tank and Septic Tank Waste Charges (PDF)
5.29.24 Meeting Notice (PDF)
Utilities Committee Meeting Notice 5.30.24 (PDF)