Anyone interested in obtaining copies of police reports, accident reports, squad video, or other public records are asked to either call our main line at 608-786-0407 during normal business hours or e-mail your request.
In order to efficiently process your request, please have as much information available as possible. Items that are helpful may include victim’s name, suspect’s name, case #, date of incident, and type of report you are requesting.
A Driver Privacy Protection Act form will be required for most open records requests. Download the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) form (PDF).
Public Records Request Fee Schedule
“An authority may impose a fee upon the requester of a copy of a record which may not exceed the actual, necessary and direct cost of reproduction and transcription of the record, unless a fee is otherwise specifically established or authorized to be established by law.” Wis. Stat. § 19.35(3)(a).
An authority may require prepayment of any fee imposed if the total amount exceeds $5.
Hard Copies
Includes any paper records provided by:
- Copying a paper record
- Printing an electronic record
Fee: $0.25 per page (black and white, or color)
Fee Calculation: copy and paper cost.
In rare instances, specialized skills, equipment, or technology, may result in additional costs.
Electronic Copies
Includes any electronic records provided by:
Paper to Digital
Includes scanning physical documents and saving them into a digital format for electronic distribution.
Fee Waived: In rare instances, specialized skills, equipment, or technology, may result in additional costs.
Digital to Physical
Includes copying records already in digital format onto physical medium for distribution.
Cost of Physical Medium – Flash Drive (each):
- $2.50 (4 GB)
- $5.00 (8 GB)
- $7.00 (16 GB)
- $14.00 (32 GB)
- $18.00 (64 GB)
- $22.00 (128 GB)
- $43.00 (256 GB)
- $65.00 (1 TB)
- $75.00 (2 TB)
Fee Calculation: Cost of physical medium used
Digital to Digital
Includes copying records from one digital format to another for distribution (e.g., email).
Fee Waived: In rare instances, specialized skills, equipment, or technology, may result in additional costs.
Location Fees
May only be imposed if the cost of location alone is $50 or more. Includes searching for and identifying responsive records but does not include redaction.
$18.50 per hour // staff time (lowest possible hourly rate)
In rare instances, specialized skills, equipment, or technology, may result in additional costs.