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West Salem, WI
Partly Cloudy

Contact the West Salem Police Department

West Salem Police Department
175 Leonard Street South
West Salem, WI 54669

We are located within the village community center, which is located on the northeast corner of S. Leonard Street and Elm Street. Parking is available on the south side of the building. Upon entering the south side main entrance, the police department’s door is the first door on your right.

Phone: (608) 786-0407

Fax: (608) 786-3359

E-mail the WSPD

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

After Office Hours

For after hours there is a doorbell located directly below the outside police sign, just to the right of the main south side entrance. If the office is locked, please ring the doorbell. If an officer is available in the office, they will come greet you outside. If no one answers, please call the La Crosse County Sheriff’s Office at (608) 782-7575 and inform Dispatch that you would like to meet with and/or speak with a West Salem Police Officer.

Drop Box

Parking tickets or other correspondences can be dropped in the drop box located on the west side of the building by the front door. The drop box contents are collected every morning, Monday – Friday.

Send A Message Or Compliment An Officer

Village of West Salem - transparent logo.

Village of West Salem

175 Leonard St S., West Salem WI 54669
Phone: 608-786-1858
Fax: 608-786-1988
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:45 pm
(Outside drop box available 24 / 7)

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