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West Salem, WI
Partly Cloudy

Stormwater Runoff

La Crosse Area Waters is project of the La Crosse Urban Stormwater Group, a collection of ten municipalities working together to advocate for local projects that reduce runoff pollution and preserve the health and beauty of local waterways. Together, we educate our community about these projects, collaborate to facilitate more action, and recognize people who are making a difference in their own backyard!

Their goal is not only to protect water, but to make our towns better places to live. To reach this goal, they want to award action, with the Soak It Up Project Award. Community members who’ve finished a stormwater management project on their property will be recognized, and their projects will be shared so others see how it’s done and be inspired to take on projects of their own.

Village of West Salem - transparent logo.

Village of West Salem

175 Leonard St S., West Salem WI 54669
Phone: 608-786-1858
Fax: 608-786-1988
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:45 pm
(Outside drop box available 24 / 7)

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